VR/EM Motion Tracking Sensors & Applications
6 degrees of expertise
CHAPTER 1: Tracking Systems in Virtual Reality: Which is the best choice?
CHAPTER 2: Using Magnetic Sensing for tracking multiple fingertips
CHAPTER 3: The VR Global Ecosystem: Individual companies and publications
CHAPTER 4: Best VR and AR books
CHAPTER 5: How can Virtual and Augmented Reality change the way we educate our children?
CHAPTER 6: Latest VR innovations in Japan
CHAPTER 7: Best use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in advertising campaigns
CHAPTER 8: Are medicine and surgery potential areas for EM Tracking Deivces?
CHAPTER 9: Virtual Reality on the road - How some companies are using VR-AR in motor vehicles.
CHAPTER 10: Motion tracking on Mobile
CHAPTER 11: Virtual Reality Goggles: Technical differences between HTC Vive and Samsung Gear VR
CHAPTER 12: This is how our AR/VR Tracking system works