VR/AR Components
This is how our AR/VR tracking system works
Electromagnetic motion tracking systems work by using a low frequency isotropic magnetic field generator (3D emitter) and one or several isotropic 3D magnetic sensors. Emitter…
VR/AR Components
Electromagnetic motion tracking systems work by using a low frequency isotropic magnetic field generator (3D emitter) and one or several isotropic 3D magnetic sensors. Emitter…
Virtual Reality
(Device images from Samsung Gear VR and HTC Vive webpages) Several years ago, virtual reality head-mounted displays (HMD) meant an expensive technology only available for…
Virtual Reality
Mobile Motion Tracking Almost everybody knows the meaning of Motion Tracking or Motion Capture. It’s the technology that allows the objects’ motion in the space…
Augmented reality
As virtual reality (VR) becomes more mainstream, it is being used in a wide range of industries and applications. Currently, VR is making its way…
Augmented reality
Technology advances have a big impact in our lives. The technology around tracking systems is one of the areas in constant growth, with a…
Augmented reality Virtual Reality
8 out of 10 people think that Virtual Reality (VR) services would be a great idea for advertising campaigns. This is because the advertising world…
Augmented reality Virtual Reality
Trade Show Description A visit to AI Expo Japan, which was held in Japan in April 2018 and included a designated space for VR/AR/MR applications…
Augmented reality Virtual Reality VR/AR Components
Many people argue that our future lies in virtual and augmented reality. While their statement may carry with it a plethora of moralistic and ethical…
Augmented reality Virtual Reality
It’s no accident that many people who appreciate VR and AR are also fans of “sci-fi” books, movies, and TV shows. Technology has imitated art…
Virtual Reality
The Virtual Reality Market While Virtual Reality, essentially, is not a new idea (examples of the concept have been around since the 1950’s), it is…